Starting September 6, 2022, restaurants and foodservice providers on Oahu need to comply with the Disposable Food Ware Ordinance (DFWO). This is in addition to the Plastic Bag Ban already in effect since April 1, 2021.

Starting September 6, 2022

No food vendor shall sell, serve, or provide prepared food in:


polystyrene foam food ware


disposable plastic food ware

Starting April 1, 2021

The following disposable plastic service ware items are now banned on Oahu:

Plastic Bags

Plastic bags

with handles

Plastic Cutlery

Plastic utensils

including forks, spoons, knives, and sporks



(plastic grass in sushi)

Plastic Straws

Plastic straws

and stirrers

Some businesses may be exempt from the rule. Read the full details on the City & County of Honolulu’s DFWO website.

Acceptable use products available from ChefZone:

Cold Cups & Lids

Cold Cups & Lids

9 oz, 10 oz, 12 oz, 14 oz, 16 oz, 18 oz, 20 oz, 22 oz, 24 oz

Hot Cups & Lids

Hot Cups & Lids

8 oz, 10 oz, 12 oz, 16 oz

Portion Cups & Lids

Portion Cups & Lids

2 oz, 3 oz, 4 oz

Hot & Cold Soup Containers & Lids

Hot & Cold Soup Containers & Lids

8 oz, 12 oz, 16 oz, 24 oz, 32 oz

Hinged Sandwich Containers

Hinged Sandwich Containers

6×6, 9×6

Hinged Takeout Containers

Hinged Takeout Containers

8x8x3 (1 and 3 compartment), 9x9x3 (1 and 3 compartment)

Deli Containers & Lids

Deli Containers & Lids

8 oz, 12 oz, 16 oz, 24 oz, 28 oz, 32 oz, 38 oz, 48 oz

Hinged Clear Containers

Hinged Clear Containers

19 oz, 24 oz, 46 oz

Compostable Cutlery

Compostable Cutlery

Given out upon request or in a self-service area only.

Compostable Or Paper Staws & Stirrers

Compostable Or Paper Straws & Stirrers

Given out upon request or in a self-service area only.

Handle-Less Plastic Bags

Handle-Less Plastic Bags*

(No 15 cent charge)

Tag Paper Bags

Tag Paper Bags

(No 15 cent charge)

Reusable Plastic Bags Greater Than 10 mils

Reusable Plastic Bags Greater Than 10 mils

(Must charge minimum 15 cents)
Reusable Cloth Or Washable Fabric Bags

Reusable Cloth Or Washable Fabric Bags

(Must charge minimum 15 cents)

Reusable Paper Bags

Reusable Paper Bags

(Must charge minimum 15 cents)

Recyclable Paper Bags

Recyclable Paper Bags

(Must charge minimum 15 cents)

* Handle-less plastic bags are only allowed when they contain food that creates condensation, such as hot or cold food and beverages.