Introducing 100% Angus Beef from Demkota Ranch!

Exhibiting all the flavor you’ve come to expect from Demkota, Legacy Angus comes from the same high-quality stock as their Elite brand beef. In house grading of modest or higher marbling offers great flavor. Only the best of the mature Angus cattle qualify for the Demkota Legacy Angus.
- Cows are fed a high-energy corn-based ration for at least 90 days
- Consistent flavor profiles, for a better eating experience
- No Dark Cutters or Yellow Fat
- No Beta-Agonists

Demkota Ranch Beef is located where cattle and corn country meet so farmers have access to the freshest feed at affordable prices. Cattle from the region are fed a high-quality ration comprised of corn, distillers grains, hay, corn silage and no beta-agonists.
- Cattle are sourced from family farms and ranchers located in the upper mid-west of the United States
- 5 million head of cattle and calves
- 805,000 cattle on feed
- 49,156 ranches and farms
- 97% of ranches are family-owned
Demkota is a USDA approved and operating, fully integrated beef processing plant processing 1,000-1,500 heads per day.
- Privately owned, Demkota’s 420,000 square foot facility, built in 2010 on a 120-acre campus, was retrofitted in 2015.
- Combination of low and high voltage stimulation provides noninvasive tenderization and color bloom that extenuates the marbling.
- Strict HACCP and sanitation protocols followed in every step of the way.
- Third party testing lab with Food Safety oversight by food industry leader in microbiology.
- Demkota was designed with animal welfare in mind using the expertise of renowned animal scientist, Temple Grandin, Ph.D. Her methods for holding pens and walkways, along with providing feed, water, bedding and heated floors year round, result in a calmer and more efficient process, which is better for the animals.
- Demkota voluntarily utilizes the animal welfare guidelines set forth by the North American Meat Institute in the “Humane Handling Guidelines and Audit Guide”.
- All employees working in critical points of animal handling are trained initially and on an annual basis using the methods and principals of Dr. Temple Grandin.